Renewable energy production and demand growth is gaining momentum in
many ways across the world. There is a booming demand of wind power
today and all wind energy equipment manufacturers are gearing up to meet
the demand and take advantage of it. Wind power capacity growth will be
reaching 447GW in the next five years and by year 2014 end, Asia will
lead the world in installed wind capacity. Enercon
is amongst the other manufacturers who are focusing on 3MV-class wind
turbines based on E-82/2.0. Without increasing the component sizes,
there are new designs to operate at 3MW power. There will be a 3-6%
increased yield because of these innovative designs as claimed by the
Enercon. 2 Comments
Yes, the day is not far off when reaching for sky is the new motto for
generating cost-effective renewable energy. Initially it was considered
to be technically non-viable to tap high-altitude winds. But today,
technically-advanced materials and innovative computer know-how are
giving new life to this scheme with innovative autonomous aerial
structures using wind energy to generate power. 7 Comments
Presently Fluid Dynamics Expert, John Dabiri, is very much on the quest of improving designs of wind turbines.
Spotting behaviours that may throw light on energy-related practices in
biological system and trying to implement that in real-life situations
is part of that quest and Mr.Dabiri is jubilant that he is learning
lessons from a school of fish! Water-energy, and wind energy are both studied. 2 Comments
A research company in New Hampshire recently patented its bladeless
wind turbine, which is based on a patent issued to Nikola Tesla in 1913.
This wind turbine is christened as the Fuller Wind Turbine. This
turbine is developed by Solar Aero.
The specialty of Fuller Wind Turbine is it has only one rotating part,
known as the turbine-driveshaft. The entire machinery is assembled
inside a housing. Wind turbines
are often disliked by environmentalists because they kill birds and
bats and often generate noise for the residents living nearby. 18 Comments
Backed with a $3 million assistance from the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center (MassCEC) Wilbraham-based FloDesign Wind Turbine Corp.
will expand its operations in the state. The company is recognized as
the developer of a U.S. Department of Energy-recognized "transformative"
wind energy technology. It will maintain its aerodynamic research
center in Wilbraham along with establishing a new corporate headquarters
and product development center in the historic Waltham Watch Factory.
The company also intends to assemble its first wind turbines in
Massachusetts. If everything goes according to the plan, the company
will establish a new benchmark for other wind energy technology companies to look up to and aspire to. 20 Comments
As fossil fuels continue to diminish and climate change poses an
ever-increasing threat, scientists around the world are searching for
new and more efficient methods of generating energy. Wind energy
is one of the more promising alternative energy sources and Norwegian
scientists are currently in the development stages of what promises to
be the world’s largest wind turbine. As if creating the biggest wind
turbine in the world was not enough, it also floats. Current plans for
the world’s largest wind turbine have the machine standing 533 feet
tall. 6 Comments
The one knock on wind energy
is that it is not portable. Until recently, there were few if any
portable devices that were available to literally take wind power on the
go. That is changing quick as there are several “back-pack” style
devices that are on the market. The Rose Wind Turbine
is the latest invention to be introduced to this ever growing energy
niche. The Rose Wind Turbine is a small portable device that is small
enough to fit into the trunk of the car and barely be noticed. However,
once this portable wind turbine comes out, it is sure to turn heads. 16 Comments
Wind power
has recently received a nice boost as one of the hottest forms of
energy on the market. When comparing the recent market growth against
all forms of energy, both renawables and non-renewables, wind turbines
seem to be jumping to the head of the pack. While it still has a way to
go before it catches up to solar, it is gaining ground rather quickly.
Something that will help pick up the pace even further is new technology
that is coming from FloDesign.
Their truly unique wind turbine is actually based on the design of a
jet engine instead of the traditional windmills that we see all across
the country. Their concept seems to be a simple one, but it extremely
effective. 23 Comments
With all the talk of going green, the question had been thrown out many
times if there will ever be a time that we can use nothing but
renewable energy to power our world. A small island in Denmark is trying
answer that question with a resounding yes as they power up every
single day via nothing but wind power. The Danish island is the ideal
setting as the wind literally never stops blowing. The North Sea offers
the perfect opportunity to capitalize on the winds that come off of the
sea and for them to use wind power as their primary source of power. As a matter of fact, the wind power that they are using is their ONLY source of power. 21 Comments
Renewable energy is one of the hottest things on the market right now
but until recently, solar power has been getting most of the attention.
While there are plenty of techno gadgets, like solar briefcases and
solar laptop chargers, that can have solar power on the run, very few if
any items exist for other sources of renewable energy to become
portable. The foldable wind generator has all the right ideas, but may
still be just a bit ahead of its time. 14 Comments
It's an expert estimation that the total energy stored in wind is 100
times higher than actually needed by humans on this earth. The catch is
that we have to learn and devise ways to trap this wind power blowing
across the planet earth. Experts tell us one more thing that most of the
wind energy
is available at high altitude and we can’t manufacture turbines of that
height. So we have to think of new ways to trap that wind power blowing
at a significant height. Some experts estimate that the total energy
contained in wind is 100 times the amount needed by everyone on the
planet. However, most of this energy is at high altitudes, far beyond
the reach of any wind turbine. 9 Comments
GE, the US industrial group, is promoting and showing confidence in offshore wind technology by buying ScanWind,
which makes direct-drive turbine components. This move will help in
generating thousands of new jobs in the field of designing and
manufacturing turbines. This move will affirm the confidence of
investors in the fledgling offshore wind industry, which has been
weighed down by concerns about costs and reliability. GE is moving ahead
with establishing turbine manufacturing facilities to serve the
European markets at first. They have to make up their mind about the
size of the investment and location. 15 Comments
Wind energy is undoubtedly one of the cleanest forms of producing power
from a renewable source. There is no pollution, there is no burning of
fossil fuels, and unless something very drastic happens, you don’t run
out of wind. But it’s not like you can erect a wind turbine
anywhere and it will start generating power for you. There are lots of
factors that can make an impact on the amount of energy you can generate
out of wind. 15 Comments
Most of us want to reduce our carbon footprints but currently most of
the alternative energy products are simply unavailable for urban
population that lives in metros. But gradually the scenario of
alternative energy is changing and manufacturers have started thinking
from common person’s point of view. Recently EarthTronics,
which is based in Muskegon, Michigan, has developed a wind turbine that
can be used by individual homes. EarthTronics also claims that it can
operate at speeds as low as 2 miles an hour. Consequently, homeowners
this fall will be able to buy a wind turbine at hardware stores that
tackles the small wind industry's bete noire: slow wind. This turbine is
named as Honeywell Wind Turbine
and it will be distributed through Ace Hardware stores in the U.S. It
will be sold for $4,500. WindTronics developed the turbine and licensed
the technology to buildings systems giant Honeywell. 18 Comments
The Metropolis Magazine has been holding Next Generation Design Competition
since 2003. They want to provide a platform for young designers to
promote the spirit of activism, social involvement, and
entrepreneurship. They offer prize money of $ 10,000. But the real
attraction is the publicity given to the projects of winners and
runners-up. This recognition helps abstract ideas take concrete forms.
For 2009, the theme for the Next Generation Design Competition was: How
do we fix our energy addiction? They offered some guidelines, "Think
about how we live and work, what we use, how we get where we need to go,
hidden costs to our pocket books and the environment, across the whole
design spectrum. Focus on one area that needs fixing—products,
interiors, buildings and landscape, communication systems, or anything
else you can imagine—and develop your idea fully. And above all, think
of our energy addiction as a design problem at all scales." 24 Comments
Wind power
is the fastest growing industry in the alternative energy sector. Wind
turbines generate clean and green power for us but they have certain
precondition. One of it is the power unit has to be set up in strong
wind area. But Green Energy Technologies has developed a brand new wind
power generator known as the WindCube.
It is smaller compared to the normal wind generator. WindCube is
specially designed to set up on the roof of a building in urban and
rural areas. WindCube carries a 22 x 22 x 12 feet framework and its
single unit can produce a maximum of 60kW of power. Mark L. Cironi, who
is the president and founder of Green Energy Technologies,
explains, "Building owners anywhere can consider being a part of the
renewable energy picture. With WindCube, it’s not necessary to have the
wind of Kansas or Nebraska to become a generator of wind power. In
states with excellent renewable energy incentives, moderate wind and
high electric rates, the payback can be as little as three years." 42 Comments
These days many companies are exhibiting awareness about clean and
green energy and trying to use that technology for reducing costs too.
Recently Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport
has set up ten wind-powered electricity generators. They are using the
energy to power an electric utility vehicle. We are acquainted with the
fact that airports are windy places. So a knowledgeable management can
utilize this air power and boost its environmental credentials too. They
have installed ten 1 kW Aerovironment wind
turbines on top of the airport fire station to harness the power of
prevailing northwest winds. The turbines are expected to generate 10
kilowatts of electricity an hour. They are powering their fully-electric
Cushman Motors e-Ride exv2 utility vehicle with the energy generated by
these turbines. Their utility vehicle has a range of 45-55 miles and
costs around $200 a year to run. 3 Comments
We all know about the impending future of the fossil fuels. Ultimately
we will be forced to look for alternative energy fuels. Those countries
who have resources and infrastructure are taking up these challenges
very intelligently. Scientists and researchers know that existing
alternative sources of energy can’t take up the challenges created by
total exhaustion of fossil fuel. So they are continuously trying to
better the existing technologies of the sources of alternative fuels.
This time
to produce more energy from a relatively small investment, a solution
every manufacturer worth his/her salt wants i.e. more by investing less!